Tel: +233559306969 / +233505227258


Academic Programmes

Our academic programmes basically hinge on that of Ghana Education Service [GES] with a blend of Montessori learning [specifically for pre-school] and the inclusion of Information and Communication Technology [I.C.T], and French language for all basic school grades. The subjects studied in CCIS include; Mathematics [Numeracy], English Language [Literacy], Science, Religious and Moral Education, Our World and Our People & History [Social Studies], Creative Arts [Basic Design and Technology], Asante Twi, French Language, and Computer Literacy. Some other subjects like Sensorial and Geography as part of Montessori learning are offered at the pre-school level.

Co-curricular Programmes

To be a globally acclaimed basic school that is robustly positioned for quality education, character shaping, and rapid academic transformation, by producing lifetime learners and global citizens through hands-on engagement of students in line with international standards.

Aside our academic programmes, the school also trains learners in sports, culture and dance, cadet, choir, etc. Social groups such as girls’ club and, boys’ cot are also available to offer basic ethical training and also equip our adolescent learners with basic self-management skills.